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Criminal Defense

If you have been arrested or are facing criminal charges, you will need a criminal lawyer. Criminal lawyers specialize in defending people who have been accused of crimes. They can help you understand the charges against you, negotiate a plea bargain or represent you in court.

If you cannot afford to hire a criminal lawyer, you may be eligible for legal aid. Legal aid is a program that provides free or low-cost legal services to people who cannot afford to hire a lawyer. To qualify for legal aid, you must meet certain income requirements.

Criminal lawyers can help you with a variety of issues, such as:

Drunk Driving Charges

If you have been charged with driving while impaired by alcohol, a criminal lawyer can help you fight the charge in court. A criminal lawyer may be able to raise certain defenses on your behalf; for example, he or she may contend that the breath-testing equipment used in your arrest was faulty or unreliable. You should not make any decisions about how to plead to the charge before consulting with a criminal lawyer. Whether you decide to plead guilty or fight the charge in court will depend on many factors and only after discussing all of them with your criminal lawyer.

Drug Crimes

If you have been charged with possession or trafficking of illegal drugs, a criminal lawyer may be able to help you negotiate a plea bargain or fight the charges in court. For example, if you have been charged with possession of a small amount of marijuana for your personal use, criminal lawyers may be able to help you avoid a conviction and jail time by negotiating a plea deal. The severity of the sentence will depend on factors such as whether or not you have prior drug possession convictions and the number of drugs involved.

Child Pornography

If you have been charged with possession of child pornography, a criminal lawyer can explain to you what defenses are available under Idaho law. Possession of child pornography is punishable up to life imprisonment upon conviction. Although possible defenses include that the pornographic material was only viewed online legally (and not downloaded), there is no guarantee that these defenses will be successful. A criminal lawyer can help you weigh the pros and cons of proceeding with defense and make an informed decision about how to proceed.


If you have been charged with first-degree murder, you should not speak to the police or anyone else about the case without first consulting with a criminal lawyer. First-degree murder is punishable by life imprisonment and is the most serious charge in United States. A criminal lawyer will be able to advise you about the possible defenses available to you and represent you in court.


As you can see, a criminal lawyer can be a valuable asset when you are facing criminal charges. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, do not hesitate to apply for legal aid. Your criminal lawyer will be able to guide you through the criminal justice system and protect your rights.

NOTICE: We recommend that you get professional legal advice specific to your case. The information provided is not intended to supplement legal advice.

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